December 7, 2010
The temperatures may be dropping but that certainly is not slowing us down at WinMock. The renovation crew is still busy, busy, busy at the barn making progress each and every day (much to the delight of our 2011 WinMock Wedding couples!)
During our fourth week of renovations, we completed any necessary tree removal (with plans to repurpose some of the lumber into furniture and other items for display in the barn!) and set up protective fencing around all of those that we can.
We also poured cement in the foyer and meeting spaces; removed lower level windows to doctor them up and duplicate for historic purposes;
and started breaking down that massive old hay conveyor belt in the upstairs Loft which was donated to a member of the renovation crew to use on his own farm. We’re dying to see the trailer that is going to move this puppy!
Our plans include parking spaces for close to 100. We will have additional parking spaces available that are shared with our neighbors in Kinderton.
Soon to come… The highly anticipated moment when we raise….err, remove the big, red roof!
Stay tuned and stay warm…
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