Engaging Millennials in Meetings: Solving for Y How do you engage a meeting full of goldfish? This is one question that organizations will have to solve over the next ten years as millennials move into the executive suite. The average attention span of a millennial involved in passive listening is no more than 10-15 minutes. The American […]

Engaging Millennials in Meetings, Expert Advice

August 28, 2015

Engaging Millennials in Meetings

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How to Find a Keynote Speaker: Listen Up Conference Planners!   Engage. Entertain. Educate. Encourage. No matter your motive for choosing a keynote speaker, it’s imperative you find the right fit for your particular conference or meeting – though it can prove challenging at times. While Speakers Bureaus represent very prominent keynote speakers such as celebrities, global business leaders and […]

Expert Advice, Finding Keynote Speakers

July 13, 2015

How to Find A Keynote Speaker

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