October 20, 2015
Conduct a quick search on human attention span and you will find the majority of sources report an average of five to twenty minutes. Now imagine you have to pitch an idea in this amount of time or risk losing your audience and chance to make a change.
Two recent articles published by Fortune and Forbes provide basic tips on how to pitch an idea. Below are building block tips to get you started on how to pitch an idea.
Get to the point and get there quick – Your business plan should be no more than 50 pages, PowerPoint presentations of less than 20 slides, and a 2-page brief of your PowerPoint.
A clear pitch – Be clear and capture the essentials about what you are selling, draw comparison to your competition and offer better alternatives. Make sure to know your audience prior to pitching your idea and speak on their level. Address why your idea is relevant and deserves their time.
Become an expert – Be proactive and address how the idea affects the bottom line, how it will be implemented, and how you will resolve obstacles and challenges. Gather a trusted focus group and allow those individuals to challenge your idea and offer constructive criticism.
Showcase yourself – Have confidence, be respectful, dress appropriate, and maintain eye contact. Show them why you are the person to see this idea through from concept to execution and growth. Practice your pitch to the point where you could recite it in your sleep if necessary!
For more in depth tips on how to pitch an idea, head to:
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